Krav Maga and self-defense at our location in Bergisch Gladbach

Start with Krav Maga now in our training center in Bergisch Gladbach

One in Bergisch Gladbach new trainingtimes!

Bergisch Gladbach 01 Paffrather Str. 133
Timetable: Wednesday 18:30-20:00 “Open Class”, Thursday 16:00-16:45 “Kiddy / Kids” and 17:00-18:00 “Teenager

Bergisch Gladbach 02 Reuterstraße 51
Timetable: Thursday 20:00-21:30 “Open Class

Bergisch Gladbach 03 – Langemarckweg 14
Timetable: Saturday 16:30-18:00 “Open Class

More information and pictures of the locations will follow shortly.

Timetable as PDF
Trial training registration

Free Krav Maga trial training
Timetable Krav Maga lessons Bergisch Gladbach
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Krav Maga Bergisch Gladbach
– Self-defence in Bergisch Gladbach

Here you can find all locations and timetable

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Self-defence courses and seminars at the Krav Maga Institute in Bergisch Gladbach

The participants of our self-defence courses learn to master conflict situations and to apply measures for de-escalation. The defensive techniques for Self-defence Bergisch Gladbach are only used when an escape from the situation is no longer possible. In our seminars and courses we deal with a large number of realistic threat situations. For example, we offer seminars on the defence of knife attacks and sexual assaults. These real threat situations are unfortunately not uncommon and have recently been more present in the media. In the context of our training in Bergisch Gladbach we offer Krav Maga courses and seminars that show you how to protect yourself. It is not enough to rely on others to help you!

The following contents are part of our Krav Maga courses:

  • Prevention and conflict avoidance
  • Escape from dangerous situations
  • To fend off a variety of attacks
  • defence with the use of everyday objects
  • protection against attacks with weapons
  • Self-defence against multiple attackers
  • Self-defence of other people “Protect yourself and your loved ones”

Krav Maga Bergisch Gladbach – Learn self-defence at the Krav Maga Institute

With Krav Maga Bergisch Gladbach survival is in the foreground. But Krav Maga is neither a fighting sport nor a martial art. There are no rules and regulations in dangerous situations. Krav Maga is all about building up self-confidence in order to feel safer in dangerous situations and to be able to apply the learned self-defence techniques in an emergency. In contrast to martial arts, we use all available tools for self-defence. Even everyday objects are used. You will learn how to effectively defend yourself and your loved ones during regular Krav Maga training in Bergisch Gladbach.

Our offer of group trainings in Bergisch Gladbach:

  • Self-defence for women
  • Self-defence for children
  • Self-defense for teenagers
  • Self-defense for adults
  • Self-defence as a teambuilding measure for companies

Self-defence courses for women at our location in Bergisch Gladbach

Cologne’s New Year’s Eve in 2015/2016 has again shown how easily women can become victims of violence. Incidents such as this cannot be ruled out in the future either. The number of registrations for self-defence courses for women has shot up accordingly. We show you how to defend yourself against such attacks. Krav Maga is very suitable for self-defence. Our training, especially designed for women, will show you how to recognize dangers in time and how to defend yourself with all means at your disposal.

A smaller body size or less strength than your opponent only plays a minor role in Krav Maga training. Tactical thinking and the use of natural reflexes, on the other hand, helps you to recognize dangerous situations and to react correctly. Our Krav Maga instructors teach women and girls in Krav Maga courses and seminars how to dodge, prevent attacks and free themselves from holds. The focus of the training is to recognize and avoid threatening situations and to apply self-defense techniques correctly. This also includes protection against sexual assaults. During a free trial training at one of the Krav Maga Institute locations you will have the opportunity to get to know our team and get an insight into Krav Maga.

Our workshop Women-Only – For women only!

You have the choice – We offer seminars especially for women or our weekly Women Only course in Bergisch Gladbach. Krav Maga can be learned regardless of fitness and age. Women do not have to train intensively for years, but learn after a short time how to protect themselves more appropriately in the future. Krav Maga contributes to improved reaction and movement sequences and is a successful system for self-defence. No matter if it is a trial training, a course or a seminar – start with Krav Maga in Bergisch Gladbach in 2019! Do you need more information on this topic? Then give us a call or send us an e-mail!

Training at realistic locations at the Krav Maga Institute in Bergisch Gladbach

In contrast to other martial arts, our Krav Maga training offers training locations and environments that are realistically recreated. We train not only in gymnasiums or on mats, but also in realistic locations. In our training centers we simulate attacks in bars, discotheques, bus, train or plane. The limited room for manoeuvre in an emergency should be as close to reality as possible and realistically simulate the threat situation. For self-defence, everyday objects are also used. In our training centres we have the following realistic possibilities for our course participants:

  • Self-defense in bar and club
  • Self-defence in confined spaces
  • Self-defence on bus or train
  • Self-defense in a car
  • Self-defense on a plane.
  • Self-defense in the pool

Self-defence courses and seminars for kids from 4 years

In our courses and seminars we specifically address children. As they are often helplessly exposed to dangerous situations and assaults and have to learn how to protect themselves. Of course, the most important thing for children is fun. In a playful way, children learn practices to avoid conflicts in schoolyards, on the way to school or on the bus. Krav Maga is not a martial art, but serves solely for self-defence. It strengthens self-confidence and increases the courage to assert oneself. It also improves coordination and physical fitness. In self-defence courses for children, the timetable are of course adapted to the young participants. The children have the opportunity to take part in the trial training free of charge and thus get to know the instructor and gain an insight into Krav Maga training.

Learn self-defense in Bergisch Gladbach – Flexible and realistic

In order to achieve effective results, Krav Maga evolves over time and adapts to newly emerging threat situations. The training is aimed not only at civilians, but also and above all at the military and police units. The Krav Maga techniques for defence are not only suitable for everyday situations. This form of self-defence is also regularly used in extreme situations. Our trainer team refers to these realistic situations and lets the dangerous situations flow into the training. In this way we achieve the best possible preparation and defence against threats. Regular Krav Maga courses ensure that you too can find a date for the training with us. Register for a self-defence course or a trial training at the Krav Maga Institute in 2019. Our instructors are waiting for you!

The worldwide spread of Krav Maga

In order to spread and constantly optimize this type of self-defense, Eyal Yanilov, with the support of Imirich – Imi Sde-or, founded the International Krav Maga Federation (IKMF) together with his students and other Krav Maga experts. The goal of the International Krav Maga Federation is the non-commercial distribution of the self-defense technique. Imi Sde-or checked the performance and progress of his students until his training. After his death, many of his followers founded an independent Krav Maga organization. Thus, for example, the Krav Maga Global Organisation (KMG) or International Krav Maga (IKM) was created. These circumstances led to the spread of Krav Maga throughout the world as an effective form of self-defense. We, the Krav Maga Institute Cologne, belong to the fastest growing international Krav Maga organization, the KRAVolution. The KRAVolution sees itself as the evolution of Krav Maga, whereby teaching here strictly follows the original concept of Imi Lichtenfeld, the so-called “old curriculum”. This KRAVolution was already founded in 2011 by Carsten Draheim, the Head Instructor of all Krav Maga Institutes, and together with an international team of trainers it became an association in 2017. As of April 2019 more than 50 schools worldwide, more than 250 Krav Maga instructors in 22 countries are members of this association. Through a unified teaching concept in which the freedom of the individual schools and their trainers is in the foreground, we spread Krav Maga worldwide, especially through the experience of our trainers in the police, military and personal security.

Krav Maga Institute is a member of the worldwide association KRAVolution

As the Krav Maga Institute in Bergisch Gladbach, we belong to the fastest growing international association KRAVolution. KRAVolution stands for the evolution of Krav Maga. The training follows the original concept of Imi Lichtenfeld, the “old curriculum”. KRAVolution was founded in 2011 by Carsten Draheim, Head Instructor Krav Maga Institut. Together with an international team of trainers, an association was formed in 2017. The association is active in 22 countries and worldwide. It includes over 50 schools and 250 Krav Maga Instructors (as of April 2019). With the help of a uniform teaching concept, Krav Maga is spread worldwide according to the principles of KRAVolution. Our trainers draw on a wealth of experience from their work with the police, military and personal security forces.

Appointment details, contact and Krav Maga trial training in Bergisch Gladbach:

Are you interested in a trial training with us? Then register with us in 2019 for a free and non-binding trial training session! We have one location in Bergisch Gladbach: Paffrather Straße 133. Do you need more information about your training in Bergisch Gladbach? Then simply contact us by e-mail or telephone. We can certainly help you with the choice of your training location. No matter if Cologne, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Sankt Augustin or Bergisch Gladbach – With 45x Krav Maga training per week and a pleasant timetable, there is certainly the right one for you! Our Krav Maga trainers in Bergisch Gladbach are waiting for you!