Krav Maga and self-defense at our locations in Bonn

Start with Krav Maga now in our training centers in Bonn Beuel

Free Krav Maga trial training
Timetable Krav Maga lessons Bonn Beuel
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Krav Maga Bonn Beuel
– Self-defence in Bonn Beuel

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You can find us at Broichstraße 81a, 53227 Bonn. You go through the gate to the rear hall on the premises, where our training takes place.

Broichstraße 81a in 53227 Bonn.

Here you can find all locations and the timetable

Learn more

Krav Maga Bonn – Training realistic self-defence in courses and seminars

We regularly hold self-defence courses and Krav Maga seminars in Bonn. These aim to train the use of defensive self-defence techniques. However, the effective techniques of self-defence are only used when a conflict situation can no longer be avoided. All courses and seminars are tailored to specific, realistic threat scenarios. Thus, with Krav Maga Bonn we ensure that threatening situations in everyday life are recognised more quickly and, ideally, escape can be taken before the situations escalate. Examples for seminars are among others: Knife Fighting & Defending, First Responder & Hostage Situations, Gun & Rifle Defenses. Our mission-experienced trainers teach you how to protect yourself. We do not rely on outside help in our Krav Maga training.

We teach the following contents at our Krav Maga seminars and courses in Bonn:

  • preventative avoidance of disputes
  • Considered retreat and escape from threatening situations
  • Resistance against different attacks
  • defense with everyday objects
  • Protection against attacks with weapons
  • Defense against armed and unarmed opponents

Self Defense Bonn – What you learn in the Krav Maga Institute

Krav Maga is neither a martial sport nor a martial art. Even self-defence does not always have to be a martial art. In contrast to other martial arts, Krav Maga also uses everyday objects as aids. In addition, there are no rules or regulations in threatening situations. In an emergency, Krav Maga is all about survival. Self-defence Bonn means: Our Krav Maga self-defence system teaches you how to protect yourself and your loved ones in dangerous situations and how to recognize critical situations faster.

Our trainings on self-defence are available for many different divisions:

  • Self-defence for women
  • Self-defense for kids, teens.
  • Self-defence for people with disabilities
  • Civil Krav Maga
  • Military Krav Maga
  • Close combat training for soldiers.
  • Krav Maga as a teambuilding measure and company sport

Self-defence courses and trial training in Bonn for everyone – and women

In order to be able to protect yourself effectively against one or more attacks in threatening situations, it is essential to attend a self-defence course. Our training is specially tailored to different groups. From children, teenagers, adults, policemen, over military up to the training for the employees of your medical practice and company sports. In our courses we simulate individual threat situations and prepare the participants for the case of emergency.

The aim of the self-defence courses is to recognize dangers in time and to be able to defend yourself in an emergency with everyday objects and all available means. Physical stature and strength play a rather subordinate role. Neither do age and general physical fitness. Krav Maga uses techniques that are easy to learn and effective. We improve your reactions and movement sequences. This makes it possible to free yourself from the grips of the attacker, to prevent him from carrying out further attacks and to avoid attacks in a targeted manner.

During a free trial training in Bonn you will be able to get to know our Krav Maga Instructors and the training better. Learn to defend yourself effectively in 2019! In our different locations in the Rhineland we offer you the perfect Krav Maga training. If you have any questions about our courses and seminars, you can contact us by e-mail or phone and let us advise you at any time.

Training locations and training scenarios that correspond to reality

Our training locations vary and our training centres in Bonn are designed to replicate reality as closely as possible. Unlike conventional martial arts, we train in rooms that simulate threatening situations. In addition, we also train outside the training centers and simulate situations on planes, buses and trains. The limited room for maneuver and the threatening situation should be as close to reality as possible. This is the only way we are able to adjust you ideally to difficult conditions and prepare you for an emergency.

The Krav Maga Institute offers you the following training locations and training scenarios at its various locations:

  • Self-defense in bar and nightclub
  • Self-defence in confined spaces
  • Self-defence in and around the car
  • Self-defence in buses and trains
  • Self-defense on a plane.
  • Self-defence in the swimming pool
  • Self-defense on the street

What do our locations in Bonn offer you and where are they located?

The Krav Maga training is carried out at the locations Bonn Beuel (Rölfsdorfstraße 20) and Bonn Poppelsdorf (Clemens-August-Straße 32). From the Open Class, Teenager, Basic & Techniques to Fit & Fighting Skills. With 45x Krav Maga training per week we will find the right training for you in the Rhineland! With us you will learn to avoid conflicts and recognize them early. Fitness and coordination are improved through our self-defence system. We also teach you how to use Krav Maga to master stressful situations and strengthen your self-confidence.

What makes Krav Maga so effective and flexible as self-defence?

Krav Maga continues to evolve with new threat situations and thus becomes increasingly effective in defending against dangers. This further development and continuous adaptation of the self-defence system increases the probability of achieving good results in averting danger. The diversity is already evident: At the Krav Maga Institute we teach not only civilians, but also police officers and the military. The experience of our trainers is based on defence techniques gained in everyday life and in terrorist areas. We ensure the continuous training of our defence techniques by regular training of our instructors according to the curriculum of KRAVolution.

KRAVolution Krav Maga in Bonn

The Krav Maga Institute in Bonn is part of the fastest growing, globally active association KRAVolution. The name KRAVolution stands for the evolution of Krav Maga. Training and teaching is based on the old curriculum of Imi Lichtenfeld, the founder of Krav Maga. The association KRAVolution was founded in 2017 by Carsten Draheim and an international team of trainers. The head office is located in Israel. The association is active in 22 countries and has over 50 schools and about 250 Krav Maga instructors worldwide. Among the countries are Germany, USA, Canada, South America and France. All KRAVolution Krav Maga schools teach according to the concept of the association. However, the main focus is still on the freedom of the individual trainers and schools.

The expertise of KRAVolution Krav Maga is particularly evident in the training of police officers, rescue services, fire brigades and the military. The military trainers train, among others, the French Foreign Legion in close combat and the French Ministry of Defence has recognised the defence system as the official training standard for its soldiers.

Take off now – Register for the trial training in Bonn

The high expertise and the varied experience of our Krav Maga schools and instructors in Bonn offers you the highest level of quality for your professional training. The self-defense practices and techniques are also suitable for people who have little time, because Krav Maga can be learned in a short time. Using your natural reflexes, movement sequences and knowledge of potentially threatening situations will help you to react correctly in an emergency. Protect yourself and your loved ones with effective self-defense!

We would be happy to advise you by phone or e-mail about your Krav Maga training, seminars or certain courses in Bonn. Our Krav Maga Trainer Team is looking forward to welcoming you soon to a free trial training at the Krav Maga Institute in Bonn! We offer you a pleasant timetable and up to 45x Krav Maga training in the Rhineland (e.g. in Cologne and Düsseldorf) per week.