Knife Fighting & Defending Seminar on 01.10.2022

Self-defence against knife attacks – compact course


The number of violent attacks with a knife and especially the brutality of these attacks is increasing! We read this almost daily in the news. Just last weekend, two youths were seriously injured in a stabbing in Cologne-Riehl. On the banks of the Rhine in Cologne-Deutz, an 18-year-old was threatened with a machete and robbed at the beginning of September. Between January 2021 and June 2022, the police of North Rhine-Westphalia registered 7371 offences with stabbing weapons, the number of unreported cases is unknown. Even though these are not yet statistically recorded in all federal states, there is unfortunately an increasing trend. Knives are easy to obtain, easy to take with you and, to a certain extent, are not subject to mandatory reporting.

Our “knife fighting & defending” seminar wants to prepare you for exactly such situations and show you possibilities of what you could do in such situations. There is only one goal here, to survive violent knife attacks.

Due to the overwhelming demand and the very successful seminars in the last years, we have developed a brand new format for you.

Knife attacks are usually very aggressive and are multiple attacks (repeated stabs or attempts to cut!) in highly dynamic and extremely violent situations. This makes these attacks one of the “worst case” scenarios in self-defence situations. Of course, we can only simulate them in training, but in this seminar we will take you out of your comfort zone to simulate these attacks relentlessly but of course as safely as possible with you.

Krav Maga Self Defence against Knife Attacks

Picture with Markus and Carsten from the Krav Maga Institute Cologne – Krav Maga Self Defence against Knife Attacks

Contents of the seminar:

  • Prevention and behaviour in the event of knife threats
  • Analysis of knife attacks on the street
  • Defence against particularly dangerous and dynamic knife attacks – Defence against stabbing and cutting attacks with a knife
  • Defence against knife attacks in difficult positions in different scenarios in an urban environment e.g. in our public bus
  • Troubleshooting in “worst case” situations
  • Procedures after an attack, in post-fight mode

Fight for your life, protect yourself and others!

Participation also suitable for beginners, open to associations
Protective equipment is compulsory – mat shoes or barefoot, groin protector, mouth guard. Head protection is desirable. Groin protectors can be rented on site. Of course, you are not allowed to bring your own knives to the seminar, we train with practice weapons. We therefore reserve the right, as always, to refuse persons whom we do not consider to be suitable against reimbursement of costs!

Krav Maga was originally developed by the Israeli army and is composed of the two Hebrew words contact (Maga) and fight (Krav). The modern Krav Maga self-defence classes for everyone are designed in didactic training units that build on each other. It is explicitly not a competition or even a martial art! The motto here is: A fight, especially an attack on life and limb, is not won, but simply survived.

The main feature of this Krav Maga of this seminar “Self-defence against knife attacks” is therefore to prepare them regardless of previous sporting experience and gender, quickly and without regular training through a self-contained 3-hour seminar for the serious case, namely a knife attack. Defence in the event of a knife attack must be as quick and effective as possible, the aim is always to escape, i.e. to get oneself and one’s loved ones to safety and to warn other people of the knife attacker.

Krav Maga builds on a person’s first, natural reaction. The Krav Maga techniques can therefore vary greatly, because not everyone has the same reaction, or an intuitive reaction – especially with previous experience in martial arts – quickly becomes a trained reaction.

Krav Maga is therefore based on the level of knowledge of the trainees, whether they are beginners or advanced.

It is impossible to imagine military training without Krav Maga, because it is intuitive but also uncompromising. One does not exclude the other – on the contrary. The principles of Krav Maga and their consideration in the development of techniques are important here. What is allowed is what works.

Effectiveness, and effectiveness at all costs, is what distinguishes Krav Maga from martial arts and other self-defence systems. In this seminar we teach you to survive if possible, because the chance of not being hit by a knife attack is very small: Giving up is not an option!

Information from the last seminar: