on 31.08.2020 our Lead-Instructor Carsten Draheim was a guest lecturer at the Johannes Gutenberg University
Mainz on the topic “Conflicts and Resistance” on the road. In the top-class team around Prof. Dr. Angelika Ehrhardt
and with the two coaches Thomas Esche and Tobi Kämmerer, he brought the future organizational developers
the principles of Krav Maga melee combat and provided the translation into the daily work routine of the experienced internal
and external consultants. As a long-standing and experienced manager, Carsten Draheim described his view of adaptation
of the melee rules into everyday business life with amazing parallels to the solutions for consultants and executives
from military close combat.

The 7 close combat rules for your coaching in business:

1.fight, or flight – never freeze

What in Krav Maga corresponds to active action and not waiting, in business means making decisions and not waiting.
Fighting or fleeing but doing nothing is not an option. What is important is that action is available and that it is carried out according to pre-defined rules.
In business: The earlier a danger is recognized, the more efficiently it is possible to react to it by fighting or retreating.

2. never give up

The focus is on achieving the goal while taking all means and resources into account

If you have decided to do something, then you do it with all the means at your disposal and keep doing it consistently until the end.
If you run away, run as fast as you can. If you have decided to fight, then you do it consistently and with all the means at your disposal.
Medium – called “Combatives”.

In Krav Maga classes we use drills, i.e. the continuous sequence of repetitions according to time intervals and at the end under stress.

3. tactical behavior

Act smart and intelligent with foresight
In Krav Maga classes we work with scenarios based on the OODA loop developed by John Boyd (1927-1997).

Observe –
Observe the danger.

Orientate –
Orientate yourself and search for further threats and/or exit options.

Recognize/decide your strategy (TIMELINE analysis)

Act –
(Re-)act with technical and/or tactical means against the threat and on changes in the threat situation

4. no compromise

Uncompromising target tracking search the easiest way or the cleverest detour KISS – Keep it simple and stupid – What not only for the structure
of the Krav Maga lessons.

The best way is to defend and attack simultaneously. If not, it follows immediately. This also applies to the accomplishment of tasks in
company. A timid defense will not save you in an extremely violent attack. Moreover, the defense or defense
be intuitive and build on natural reflexes In the KRAVolution we have developed a 3-step model for this purpose! In the best case it does not even come
for defense, but can be acted upon preventively. Early detection therefore plays a central role not only in close combat, but also in
company. The prerequisite for a preventive, tactical approach is the recognition of dangers

5. exit strategy

Check the milestones to the goal and the alternative

How do you get out when you’ve made it

Think already at the time of your active action how you can safely get back home / to base.

6. finish the mission

Motivate yourself and your team to go beyond borders We have never given up, but we did so in line with the goal of reaching the goal.
What good is it if you have employees who are constantly working in the hamster wheel but have no goal to fulfill. The manager thus sets clear and achievable goals.

Our Krav Maga teambuilding events show you how to get a team member moving immediately and immediately through clear announcements and actions. Confusion and stress
Not through obscurity, Don’t be a me Maybe! This is exactly where Carsten Draheim’s tactical Krav Maga team training starts and does not stop for a long time. At the end of the events
much becomes clearer in the team and the communication more distinct.

7. goal achieved

What means “coming home safe” in Krav Maga can be transferred 1:1 to your business – in team training, everyone knows when the goal is reached and when it is
also accessible for everyone. Learn more about our lead instructor, author and coach here.
If you would like to book us for your business as a teambuilding event or on the topic of conflicts and resistance in everyday business life, you can do so here.