… finally an end to the restrictive measures seems in sight.

According to a communication of the state of NRW we are allowed – depending on the further development of the infection and with strict conditions – from May 11th on to offer Krav Maga training with unavoidable body contact, first outdoors and from May 30th on indoors again. Therefore, we would like to start training outdoors from May 11th, in addition to our video-livestream and zoom-live training and under the condition of good weather and a sufficient number of participants!

If you definitely want to participate in one of the “outdoor” trainings, please register in the following Doodle Links. The training will only take place with a minimum of 10 participants and in dry weather.

4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Krav Maga 4 Family for children, teenagers and the whole family!
Zoom Meeting / Video live stream every Monday at www.krav-maga-institut.de/en/webinar

6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Krav Maga & Fighting Fitness
Zoom Meeting / Video live stream every Monday at www.krav-maga-institut.de/en/webinar

Additionally from 12 May
Tuesdays – Sankt Augustin here the team of trainers from Sankt Augustin would hold an outdoor training on Tuesdays. We will probably go to the adjacent meadow for this.

19:00 – 20:00
Krav Maga & Fighting Fitness
Zoom Meeting / Video live stream every Monday at www.krav-maga-institut.de/en/webinar

4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Krav Maga 4 Family for children, teenagers and the whole family!
Zoom Meeting / Video live stream every Monday at www.krav-maga-institut.de/en/webinar

Additionally from 12 May
Thursdays – Cologne-Ehrenfeld – here the trainer team from Cologne-Ehrenfeld would hold an outdoor training for adults in the Stadtgarten at the Venloer Str.!

19:00 – 20:00
Krav Maga & Fighting Fitness
Zoom Meeting / Video live stream every Monday at www.krav-maga-institut.de/en/webinar

13:00 – 14:00
Krav Maga & Fighting Fitness
Zoom Meeting / Video live stream every Monday at www.krav-maga-institut.de/en/webinar

Additionally from 12 May
Saturdays – Cologne-Deutz – here the trainer team from Cologne-Deutz would offer an outdoor training on the bollard meadows, Alfred Schütte Allee.

We are looking forward to seeing you, whether you are training outdoors or in our zoom meetings!

As soon as we receive more information from the state government, we will announce the training plans as of May 30th and hope for a continuously normalized training operation from that date on, of course under the necessary protective measures for our members and our trainers. Together with you, we will make sure that all necessary measures and rules for protection against Covid-19 are followed and thank you for your solidarity and responsible behaviour.

Until then, always stay healthy and safe
Your KRAVolution Krav Maga Institute Team