Before I came across Krav Maga, I was able to test the strengths and weaknesses of each system in over 35 years of martial arts experience and to compete with a variety of fighters on 4 continents. When I came into contact with Krav Maga in 2014, I quickly realized – Krav Maga is different. It is simple. Effective. Intuitive. And even better: I was able to embed, improve and refine my already learned skills from other systems into Krav Maga. It became clear to me very quickly that the combination of these individual skills through Krav Maga is more than the sum of the individual parts. Sometimes 1+1 is more than 2! But that is not all. In all areas of my life – be it work or leisure time – I am mostly concerned with one thing: the people you meet. At the Krav Maga Institute I met an infectious enthusiasm and willingness to perform, which has unfortunately become quite rare in our society today. With the same enthusiasm that I met, I am now joining this team. My most important experience regarding self-defense and fighting systems? Body size? Not decisive! Body weight? Not decisive! Gender? Not important. Will, attitude and commitment? Decisive! Train your mind and your body will follow!


  • KRAVolution Krav Maga Civil Instructor
  • S.W.A.T.-Instructor
  • Military Instructor

Fighting- & Selfdefense Skills

  • Krav Maga since 2014
  • Dan San Shou
  • Dan kickboxing.
  • Fli Fli karate
  • Dan Jiu-Jitsu.
  • Other systems: Thai boxing, boxing, judo
  • Martial arts since 1978

View all Kravolution Krav Maga Instructor in an overview

Krav Maga Instructor