The Easter Camp 2023

In the first week of the Easter holidays in Cologne Deutz…

…the Easter Camp took place.

The children and teenagers were as motivated as our instructors Patrick, Adrien, Erich and Nicole. Together, the four of them introduced the kids aged 4-15 to self-defence and raised their self-confidence to a new level. The kids and teens were also able to take the level exam in Krav Maga at this camp. All the children who took part in the exam passed their exam at the end.

But more importantly, we saw how much the children developed during these 4 days. How the children internalise technical and tactical principles!

You missed this camp? No problem! The next camp is already scheduled! In the last week of the summer holidays (NRW) from 31.07. – 04.08.2023 our next camp will take place! But then it will be a whole 5 days!

You can find your ticket to the camp and all further information at:

You can find the info for kids HERE.

The info for teens can be found HERE.