The KRAVolution Krav Maga Institute is officially recognised by the Cologne District Government as a training and further education institute on 10 June 2020. We are explicitly not a sports facility, a fitness studio and we do not do any leisure sports. We serve the proper vocational training and vocational preparation. Our teaching units are therefore not subject to the restrictions of the new so-called “lockdown light” and the associated measures which were adopted by the Federal Government on 28 October 2020.

The final examination by the district government is still pending, but until the final decision is made, the training and further training operations at our locations in Cologne-Deutz, Cologne-Ehrenfeld and Sankt-Augustin will continue – with restrictions and now with an even stricter hygiene concept – because participation in our training courses is with a mask!

From the Cologne-Deutz location, every teaching unit (!) will be transmitted for you via zoom livestream, so that you can take part in the lessons within your own 4 walls. From now on, we will always have two instructors with us to give you valuable tips for your online lessons via zoom livestream. Education and training must also be allowed to take place in difficult times, because increasing violence and assaults are unfortunately, just like the pandemic, part of our society. Our trainers are tested for Corona and currently renew these tests at least every 14 days.

We ask you to observe our hygiene concept and our rules of conduct.

Participation is only possible for our students. External participants are unfortunately excluded from the lessons. Trial participation will not take place. Learn more about our Zoom Lessons in the Members only area.

In addition, we will put our existing webinar area for students back online.

You can find it here:

The regular children’s and teenager’s lessons are currently not taking place. As a small compensation offer for our youngest children, who are unfortunately also the hardest hit by the restrictions, we give a teaching unit for the children and teenagers outside every Saturday from 12:00 – 12:45 pm in November. In our webinar area you will also find many videos for Krav Maga with your children and teenagers at home.